National Rachelle Day Promo
8/02/2017 01:15:00 AM
Where's the fun in owning a restaurant/studio cafe, if you can't play with it? So today, on Elle's birthday, I wanted to have some fun with our guests (I call customers guests cause I see Third Space as our 2nd home, and visiting people as house guests... well, paying house guests.) As a surprise to her, I looked for any picture of us together on her profile, edited it poorly, and posted it on Third Space studio cafe's page which has around 33k followers. Declaring August 2 as National Rachelle Day.
Then I captioned the post with this:
NATIONAL RACHELLE DAY PROMO: Birthday nya and I'm proclaiming August 2 as National Rachelle Day. Just cause I want to, and I can bwahaha! And to celebrate it with all of you, all orders of rice meals today from 2pm-9pm will come with a FREE milk tea. But you have to leave a note greeting her. Just ask our servers for a piece of paper or any assistance you need. She doesn't know about this "promo", it's a surprise. Happy happy birthday! #NationalRachelleday#saThirdSpace
Hinde! Hindi double pay!
Happy national Rachelle day to all :)
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